Thursday, April 28, 2011

Prison in Space

A wonderful release! Of all the unmade Doctor Who stories, "Prison in Space" came the closest to actually making it into production. In fact, it was only a few weeks away from going in front of the cameras before it was dropped at the last minute.

The story is a genuinely amusing one, and the references to gender politics are definitely of their time - even the Doctor is not above making the odd caustic remark. The tiny cast is used really very well and are tremendously good. I loved hearing Frazer Hines and Wendy Padbury performing together again, as well as Frazer's brilliant and astonishing Patrick Troughton impersonation (you honestly believe you're hearing the Second Doctor!), and there's a good pace and rhythm to this serial.

Nice sound design and incidental music too, reminiscent to Don Harper's excellent score for "The Invasion".

If the script had reached TV screens, I don't think it would have aged well. The women subjugating men backbone of the story wouldn't go over too well when viewed today. But, taken as a bit of intentional comedy, there's a lot of fun to be had.

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