Thursday, April 14, 2011


It's been quite some time since I last heard one of the full cast Fifth Doctor audio dramas. But, I really wanted to hear this latest trilogy as it featured Janet Fielding reprising her role as Tegan after years of being reticent about performing again. It really is a joy to hear her interacting with Peter Davison's Doctor again, and she slips back into the part as if she's never been away.

The atmosphere of Cobwebs was dark and haunting, and the sense of exploring a new planet was tangible. Part One's cliffhanger is brilliant, being reminiscent of The Space Museum. Where this play really works is the chemistry and interactions of the four leads. The twist of meeting up with an older Nyssa is very well done, and it's nice to hear her paired up with Turlough. Speaking of whom, the opening TARDIS scene in which Tegan rails at the Doctor over Turlough's treachery feels so right, and could almost be a deleted scene from the Classic Series!

A definite winner. 5/5 stars

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