Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Jade Pyramid

Hands down my favorite (so far) of the Eleventh Doctor audio stories read by the fantabulous Matt Smith, The Jade Pyramid has a wonderful atmosphere and a very strong adventure in medieval Japan at its heart. Well told throughout, I liked the supporting characters, their interaction with the Doctor and Amy seemed natural and just right. Loved the opening descriptions of Eleven and Amy from the elder's cultural perspective; always great to have a different angle on things. Oh, and 'look behind you' in the middle of the story resonates with the recent Series Six promo and adds a tension to the scene.

Matt's reading barreled along, keeping things fast-paced and interesting. His Doctor is amazing, and it was a delight hearing him bringing the other characters to life with such verve; he hits the bullseye with Amy's Scottish accent.

8 / 10 Recommended!


  1. I think it sounds like it would frankly be worth it just to hear him doing Amy's accent. lol

  2. You know what I love the best about the audio adventures Matt reads? Late at night, turn off the lights, get in bed, put on the headphones, and listen to Eleven telling you a bedtime story. Bliss!
