Friday, July 8, 2011

Curse of the Pharaoh

The first Dark Shadows dramatic reading to feature Nancy Barrett, she recreates her role of Carolyn Stoddard as if no time whatsoever has passed by. In this two-hander, she is joined by Marie Wallace, who plays a new part as the villainous Dr. Gretchen Warwick.

Set some time after we last saw the present-day characters (there is a reference to David Collins being away from Collinwood studying), things have been relatively quiet until Egyptologist Dr. Warwick, whom Wallace portrays with relish, appears on the scene. Warwick and her recently deceased husband have discovered a box which is frighteningly familiar to Carolyn: one which bears the seal of the Naga. Lured into aiding Warwick with promises of reuniting her with Jeb Hawkes, Carolyn finds herself an unwitting pawn of the Leviathans once again.

Although the Leviathan arc is often derided by many fans, I have a certain fondness for many aspects of it and tip my hat to the Dark Shadows writers for bringing a touch of H.P. Lovecraft into the series. Here, Curse of the Pharaoh plays on that storyline's strengths beautifully and actually adds to the mythos.

I was enraptured throughout, and I found myself pleased with how the plot tied neatly together in the end. It's an incredibly strong story for Carolyn, who, in many ways, finds peace and is able to close an unpleasant chapter of her life.

A superb release, which wins a well-deserved 10/10 from me.

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