Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Magic Mousetrap

Another excellent audio play featuring the team of the Seventh Doctor, Ace and Hex, The Magic Mousetrap is a wonderfully dark story by Matthew Sweet, which features several twists and surprises along the way. Notably, the Doctor is kept guessing as to his predicament thanks to a bout of amnesia while, behind the scenes, Ace and Hex are pulling the strings on orders the Time Lord can't remember. It's a nice twist for this most manipulative of Doctors.

Probably the best moment is the return of a villain (which I won't spoil in case anyone who reads this hasn't listened to this adventure yet) who hasn't been seen since the Hartnell era, and it's pulled off beautifully.

The climax is a little rushed, but that's a minor quibble. Especially when there's so much to enjoy in this surreal and macabre tale.

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